Preserving Tigray’s Cultural Heritage: A Family-Level Approach

 Preserving Tigray’s Cultural Heritage: A Family-Level Approach

Alula Tesfay Asfha The Tigray Region in Ethiopia is home to a diverse cultural heritage that is currently under threat due to armed conflict and destruction. To safeguard the Tigrayan cultural identity, it is crucial to preserve the heritage of each family. This can be achieved through the preservation of family heirlooms such as architecture, jewellery, furniture, photographs, cultural or religious objects, tools used in traditional family businesses, musical instruments, recordings, awards, military medals, or uniforms, and more. At the 5th Mahlete Gumaye cultural event, this paper explores practical ways in which families can preserve their heritage at the family level. The paper examines the importance of preserving cultural heritage and identity and how families can document their history and create archives that capture their traditions and customs. Additionally, the paper discusses the challenges families face in preserving their heritage, including armed conflict, natural disasters, migration, and changing cultural values in the diaspora. The presentation will provide practical advice on protecting and storing family heritage to ensure its preservation for future generations.
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