Frequently Asked Questions From Visitors

What is the main focus of Mahlete Gumaye?

Mahlete Gumaye (MG) is aimed at documenting, preserving, promoting, and researching the endangered and challenged indigenous cultural and heritage values of Tǝgray

How Much does it cost to be a member of Mahlete Gumaye?

While our services are free of charge, we believe that collective support and participation play a crucial role in sustaining and expanding the impact of our cultural center. We warmly encourage your involvement and welcome any contributions you may wish to make, whether through volunteering your time, sharing your skills and knowledge, or providing donations to help us further enhance our offerings.

Where is the head office of Mahlete Gumaye?

We are thrilled our cultural center, based in Toronto, Canada, is dedicated to serving communities worldwide. While our head office is located in Toronto, we are proud to inform you that we operate virtually, extending our reach and impact far beyond physical boundaries.

Do you have office in tigray?

Thanks to the power of technology, our IT staff from Mekelle enables us to connect with individuals, organizations, and communities across the globe. Through online platforms, virtual events, and digital resources, we transcend geographical limitations, creating a truly global cultural exchange.

What is MGs Goal?

At Mahlete Gumaye, our goal is to create a vibrant and inclusive space that fosters cultural exchange, understanding, and appreciation. We aspire to be a hub where individuals from diverse backgrounds come together to celebrate and explore the rich tapestry of cultures in Tigray, Ethiopia, and East Africa.

How many members does Mahlete Gumaye Have?

Our cultural center has a thriving community of over 3000 members from various parts of the world, including active participants on popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Telegram, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and Twitter. This diverse and interconnected network enables us to foster meaningful cultural exchanges and collaborations across borders. Join us in engaging with our global community and celebrating the richness of our cultural heritage.

What can i Benefited from being a member of mahlete gumaye?

By being a member of our cultural center, you can enjoy a wide range of benefits and opportunities. As a member, you gain access to exclusive programs, events, and exhibitions that showcase the vibrant cultures of Tigray, Ethiopia, and East Africa. You have the chance to connect with fellow members who share a passion for cultural exploration and understanding, fostering meaningful connections and friendships.

How can i support Mahlete Gumaye?

You can support our cultural center in a few impactful ways. Attend our programs and events, spreading the word to your networks. Consider volunteering or making a donation to sustain our activities. Share your feedback and ideas to help shape our future. Together, let’s create a vibrant and inclusive cultural community.

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